May 20
Posted by: admin
Helping organizations across sectors to reopen spaces post lockdown with ‘Air Sanitization’
Recent research has shown the possibility of the Coronavirus being airborne1. Air-conditioned spaces are at a much larger risk of the spread of viruses and infections2. This is because an air conditioner recirculates the contaminated air from outside and various parts of a building that usually have no access to sunlight. Furthermore, other gaseous pollutants from the furnishings, paints, etc. are all mixed and distributed in a central air cooling (air handling unit – AHU) chamber and redistributed back to the occupants. These centralized air conditioners must tighten up their defence to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and be equipped with advanced air filtration technologies.
The presence of environmentally adverse substances in the air is what is referred to as Air pollution. These substances may be suspended in the form of solid, liquid or gas. Air pollution is not just present outdoors but also present indoors, in fact at much higher levels. A large part of our population is suffering from several diseases of the heart and respiratory tracts like bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis and COPD as a result of being exposed to invisible pollutants in the air we breathe. People today spend 90% of their time indoors – home, office, malls, restaurants, hotels, airports, etc. So there has always been the need for air purification of indoor spaces. The COVID-19 global pandemic has reinforced its importance of safeguarding against infections and viruses. Sanitization is fast becoming the new benchmark for all kinds of indoor spaces, particularly where multiple people are present at the same time. However, your protection strategy would also differ based on the level of risk your environment is exposed to as described in the table below:
Global industry bodies such as ASHRAE and EUROVENT have released recommendations and advisory on how to keep your space safe from coronavirus. The air within any kind and size of space needs to be sanitized with ISO 16890 certified high-efficiency filters (ePM 1.0 filters > 80%). UVGI technology should be additionally applied to inactivate infectious agents locally and should be considered in public access and high-traffic areas such as cafeterias, meeting rooms, waiting rooms, and other public spaces. This control strategy can reduce the transport of infectious agents within individual areas and from one area to another when these areas share the same central air conditioning system.
There are extremely efficient air sanitization technologies available today that capture all kinds of viruses, infections, bacteria, and germs. Particulate Matter PM 1.0 is captured with over 90% efficiency. Some of these breakthrough technologies don’t just capture viruses as small as 0.1 microns (which is the size range of the coronavirus), but they also kill all the captured pollutants inside the system through an advanced magnetic filterless process ensuring no further proliferation of these viruses and bacteria. We now also have central air cleaning systems enabled with UV technology for even safer environments. Central air sanitization solutions keep the indoor air healthy and clean throughout the building and throughout the working day.
Case Example: Office with 200 employees re-opening.
Most Indians are proving to be asymptomatic for coronavirus. This means that they are the carriers of the virus, without any visible symptoms of being sick. Even if one such employee enters your office since he or she has crossed all entry barriers and checkpoints, leaving the virus behind in the office for circulation. In this case, the three-fold protection strategy is critical:
Surfaces: Minimum twice a day with EPA recognized disinfectant (cleaner mandated to wear protective gear)
Air: ISO 16890 certified Magneto Central Air Cleaner 24 hrs (ePM 1.0 90% efficiency; E. Coli 100% kill rate; H1N1 virus and bacteria 90% kill rate)
People’s behavior needs to be monitored. Constantly promote high hygiene practices like hand washing, sanitizing, covered face, etc. amongst employees. Maintain distance from one another and touch your eyes, nose, and mouth as little as possible.
Our Magneto© Central Air Cleaner (MCAC) is the only COVID-19 ready solution in India that meets all guidelines by ASHRAE, ISHRAE, and EUROVENT. To learn more about how you can use this ‘Trap & Kill’ technology to protect your office, click here.
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